NEBOSH Diplomas
National Diploma
International Diploma
National Environmental Diploma
International Environmental Diploma
NEBOSH Diploma courses are internationally recognised Level 6 qualifications designed for established Health, Safety and Environmental Management professionals looking to enhance their career prospects.
NEBOSH Certificates
International General
National General
Process Safety Management
Fire Safety
Construction (UK)
Construction (International)
Environmental Management
Oil and Gas
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Gain the essential knowledge and skills for a career in Health and Safety and Environmental Management with NEBOSH Certificate courses. These Level 3 courses also provide the perfect level of understanding for those with H&S and Environmental responsibilities as part of a wider role.
NEBOSH Short Courses
Incident Investigation
Health and Safety at Work Award
Health & Safety Leadership
Managing Risks & Risk Assessment
Managing Stress
Working with Wellbeing
Manual Handling Risk Assessment
Environmental Awareness
Start your Health & Safety and Environmental Management journey with a NEBOSH Short Course. These introductory courses provide key information on H&S, Incident Investigation and Environmental Management.
NEBOSH also offer Short Courses on specific topics like strength and wellbeing which provide good knowledge for non-practitioners and practitioners alike.
IOSH Certificates
Managing Safely
Working Safely
Safety for Executives and Directors
Leading Safely
Managing Occupational Health & Wellbeing
Managing Safely in Social Housing
Managing Safely Refresher
IOSH Approved Sleeping Well to Work Safely
Improve awareness of health and safety issues in your organisation with an IOSH Certificate course. With courses aimed at all levels, IOSH courses support organisations in meeting their H&S commitments and foster a positive health and safety culture across the business.
IEMA Certificates
Foundation Certificate
Certificate in Environmental Management
Environmental Sustainability Skills for the Workforce
Environmental Sustainability Skills for Managers
Leading with Environmental Sustainability
IEMA offer a range of practitioner and non-practitioner courses to support individuals and organisations achieve their environmental and sustainability goals.
Proqual NVQ
ProQual Level 6 NVQ Diploma
For those looking for an alternative to a traditional taught and assessed Health and Safety course, RRC offer the ProQual Level 6 NVQ. This vocational qualification is assessed through a portfolio of evidence developed from your workplace.
ISO Online Courses
RRC ISO 14001
RRC ISO 45001
RRC ISO 45003
RRC ISO Online courses are designed to introduce practitioners to ISO 45001 for Health & Safety and 14001 for Environmental Management. These standards provide organisations with a framework to improve and develop their processes, management and auditing.
BSI Courses
BSI ISO 14001 Implementer Courses
BSI ISO 14001 Auditor Courses
BSI ISO 14001 CQI & IRCA Lead Auditor Course
BSI ISO 50001 Implementer Courses
BSI ISO 50001 Auditor Courses
BSI ISO 45001 Courses
BSI ISO 45003 Course
BSI ISO 9001 Courses
BS 30416 Course
RRC/BSI partnership Classroom courses are available at BSI training centres throughout the UK or can be delivered in-company anywhere in the world, covering standards like ISO 45001, ISO 45003, ISO 14001, ISO 50001. They also offer an Online course for BS 30416.
For Individuals
Revision Guides
RRC develops a wide range of publications to support learners and practitioners alike. From NEBOSH Textbooks and Revision Guides to Law Guides, Introductions and Quick Reference Guides, RRC's publications provide information to support you throughout your career.
For Training Providers
Trainer Packs
Study Texts
SCORM Licencing
With almost 100 years of experience in developing training courses, RRC's Training Provider resources are able to support other educational organisations deliver high-quality health, safety and environmental management courses.
We also offer a range of options for training providers to purchase our publications, including textbooks, revision guides and reference materials. Print and eBook bulk purchasing options available, as well as reprint licenses.
Bespoke Courses
RRC's In-Company Short Courses
Alongside our existing NEBOSH, IOSH, IEMA & CITB approved courses, RRC can work with you to develop and deliver bespoke training courses to meet the specific needs of your organisation.
See examples of the courses we have already developed, as well as our range of 1-day in-company courses.
Case Studies
Northumbria Healthcare Facilities Management
LSG Sky Chefs
Mauritania Mining Company
Container Port Company
Manchester Metropolitan University
Randgold Resources
International Paint Limited
Oil Refinery Refurbishment Project
Safety & Health Expo 2024 @ Anticipate London
SHW Live North 2025
OSH Forum 2025
Health & Safety Event 2025
SHW Live South & Blue Light Show 2025
Assessment Information
NEBOSH Assessment Dates
Exam Referrals
Certificates Information
Study Resources
NEBOSH Revision Resources
Meet the Team
Tutor Team
Contact Us
Learning with RRC
Live Online
Paying for your Study
Payment Plans
A guide to some of the key concepts in health and safety law, RRCs Health and Safety Law Step Notes provide an alphabetical reference guide to basic legal terms and pieces of legislation that are relevant to those involved in health and safety. If you want to know how the appeals procedure works in a criminal case, what an ACoP is, or who is considered a responsible person under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, then this is the reference guide for you.