NEBOSH National Diploma Textbook

NEBOSH National Diploma for Occupational Health and Safety Management Professionals

A4 Full Colour

The complete textbook set for the NEBOSH National Diploma provides complete coverage of the syllabus. This is laid out into an easy-to-follow format that includes:

  • Key information summarised at the start of each section.
  • Explanations of words or phrases that may be unfamiliar.
  • References to sources of further information.
  • Revision questions to test your knowledge as you progress.

Summary of contents:

This guide provides an excellent overview of all aspects of health and safety principles within the UK.

This publication is aimed at all those who are currently practising as health and safety professionals in the UK, or who wish to work towards doing so.

  • Learning Outcome 1: Health and Safety Regulations, Prosecutions, Enforcement, Civil Law, Damages and Liability, Occupiers' Liability, Lawful Discrimination, Insurers
  • Learning Outcome 2: Organisational Structures, Leadership, Consultation, Health and Safety Culture and Behavioural Change Programmes, Traditional Safety & Proactive Safety Models, Risk Perception, Human Failures and Human Factors and Improving Human Reliability
  • Learning Outcome 3: Competence, Training and Supervision, High Reliability Organisations (HRO)
  • Learning Outcome 4: Hazard Identification Techniques, Managing Health and Safety Risks, Risk Management
  • Learning Outcome 5: Loss Causation and Quantitative Analysis of Data, Measuring and Monitoring
  • Learning Outcome 6: Health and Safety Professional Skills
  • Learning Outcome 7: Societal Factors, Corporate Social Responsibility, Organisational Change
  • Learning Outcome 8: Civil Proceedings, Coroner's Inquest, Contribute to a Criminal Proceedings Defence, Ethical Issues
  • Learning Outcome 9: Contractors and Supply Chains